All the good things you've heard about dark chocolate are true. It has the power to protect our heart and provide valuable minerals that we need for our good health. The level of antioxidants in dark chocolate is higher than some of the so-called "superfoods". The question arises - does dark chocolate have its dark side? As in everything else, you should be moderate here, so dark chocolate should not be consumed in large quantities, despite its health benefits. The saying "everything in moderation" rings true when it comes to even dark chocolate.

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what is dark chocolate?

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans. After harvesting from the tree, the grain is removed from the pod, fermented, dried and roasted. The beans are ground into a cocoa mass or liquor that can be pressed to make cocoa butter and cocoa cake for grinding into powder. Cocoa liquor can be combined with cocoa butter, cheddar and vanilla to make dark chocolate. Also known as regular chocolate, the percentage of cocoa solids classifies dark chocolate. To be marketed as dark chocolate, it must contain at least 70% of cocoa.


Origin and history

The cocoa bean has a history of 4,000 years. Ancient Inca and Mayan rulers drank small amounts up to 50 times a day to convey virility, despite its bitter taste. It is also believed to increase energy, focus, stamina and focus. In the 1500s, cocoa beans were considered
so valuable that they became currency. In 1828, a Dutch chemist invented a cocoa press that could squeeze the cocoa butter out of the roasted bean to grind it into a fine powder. The powder could be mixed with other ingredients and poured into molds so that it could be eaten rather than drunk. The first edible chocolate bar was made in Britain in 1847.

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Confirmed benefits of dark chocolate

It's no surprise that dark chocolate has health benefits. For hundreds of years, cocoa has been consumed for its medicinal properties. We now have research that will support the thoughts of our ancient ancestors.



Flavanols and magnesium in dark chocolate keep the blood vessels open and regulate the work of the heart, improving the cardiovascular system. The study found that eating chocolate two or more times a week reduced the risk of calcified plaque in the arteries by 32%.


Unlike other forms of chocolate, the dark variety lowers the level of cheddar in the blood. Cocoa makes the body more sensitive to insulin, which reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.


Dark chocolate increases blood flow to the brain and reduces inflammation. The minerals in chocolate have been shown to reduce the possibility of Alzheimer's disease and dementia.


It's not just the heart that benefits from the flavanols and magnesium in dark chocolate, blood pressure can also be lowered. Lower blood pressure reduces the risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease and dementia.


People with asthma may not experience narrowed bronchial passages and bronchospasm as often after consuming chocolate because of caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline.


Eating dark chocolate can even protect your teeth because theobromine hardens tooth enamel.


Dark chocolate can increase serotonin and endorphin levels and thus improve your mood and sense of well-being.

Sounds good, right? As chocolate lovers, we recommend choosing dark chocolate. The higher the percentage of cocoa, the less sugar it will have. As one of our newest additions to the store – dark chocolate made with cacao from Costa Rica. Has 80% fine
cocoa content. Remember, these chocolates offer a unique experience. Say hello to pleasure and goodbye to excess calories!

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This article was published on our portal as part of the course "My Career from Zero to Hero (02Hero)", one of the organizers of which is iDEAlab. The data in the article do not represent real products or services, but are exclusively an imaginary project of the participants for the purposes of the course.
