How to open a company in Serbia?

You've had a business idea for some time, you want to open "something of your own", but you're afraid it won't work, and it's hard to sort out all the paperwork and open your own company.

Believe me, if you really want it, it's not scary at all, you just need to be informed about the necessary steps and persevere.

So, how to start a business and open your own company?

Before starting the process of establishing a company, you need to know what the legal form of your business entity will be. That is, the procedure depends on whether you will initiate the establishment procedure DOO or you will register with APR as entrepreneur.

Although opening a company in our country is a relatively quick procedure, there is no shortcut or trick for the easiest way to do it. However, if you want to avoid everything related to paper and the legal side, our advice is to consult with a professional - a lawyer, in order to avoid possible wrong steps that could later negatively affect your business.

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First steps in opening a company

When you establish a company, the registration of the company always begins with the registration in the commercial register and the submission of the registration application on the prescribed form APR-a. The deadline for deciding whether the application will be approved or rejected is a maximum of 5 working days. If all conditions are met, it is adopted Decision on establishment, that is, the Decision and Resolution that the application is approved, and then it is published on the website of the APR. They will, in cooperation with the Bureau of Statistics and the Tax Administration, register your company to which it will be assigned identification number and tax identification number (abbreviated: TAX ID).

To establish a company, an activity code is necessary

All legal entities and business entities have the obligation to choose their own activity code (the activity they will be engaged in). This implies the obligation to specify and specify the predominant activity of the company, i.e. the most important activity that the company will perform, when submitting an application for the establishment of a company.

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Stamp and bank account opening

Once you get the solution from APR, the next step is stamp and opening a bank account.

Lawyer Marijana Kovačević from the Kovačević Law Office, which successfully provides pflat support to individuals and legal entities, she instructed us that although Company Law does not prescribe the obligation to use a seal, most institutions still require it. To make a seal, you need to submit a photocopy of the certificate of incorporation with the original to the sealer for inspection, and to open a bank account you need a certificate of incorporation, but also a lot of patience, because this process is usually long, so contact your banker to help you preparation of other documentation.

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Application to the tax administration - the last step in opening a company

Great, you've almost reached the end of the process of starting a business! From the moment you receive a decision from APR in within 15 days you have an obligation to submit an application To the Tax Administration. It would be best to consult with an expert in choosing a payment model.

You can see that the process of opening a company in Serbia is not very complicated, but a lot of paperwork and organization is necessary. We suggest that you consult with an expert who has extensive experience with these processes, such as lawyer Marijana Kovačević. Then you will be sure that you have not missed a single step and that everything is correct from the legal side.

If you need it legal advice or help with a specific case, please feel free to contact Law office Kovačević, located at Radnička 7, Novi Sad.

You can also do this by calling the number 063 8637018 or by contacting us via email [email protected]


Good luck in the entrepreneurial waters!






Note :

This article was published on our portal, as part of the initiative to support domestic entrepreneurs implemented by the iDEAlab association.
