Top 3 places for New Year's Eve
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The New Year is getting closer, and you still haven't figured out where to go and what to wear? It's okay, don't panic, we're here to help.

Novi Sad is known for having a good time, food and drink. Of course, just take it easy, the people of Novi Sad are not in a hurry.

We have selected for you 3 places where a good time is guaranteed. 

  • Restaurant Sokace

Restaurant Sokače offers a standard high-quality entertainment. In addition to the fact that the restaurant offers celebrations of guaranteed joy, the offer includes food of exceptional and always the same quality, which we believe is very important that you always know what and what quality of products to expect. The staff is very professional and always cheerfully welcomes guests. Our editorial staff has visited this restaurant several times so far and we stand behind every word we write. For the New Year, the restaurant is organizing a celebration called "VersaČe party - maximum kitsch party". We asked them to explain a little about what that means, and this is the answer we got:


The ticket price is 7,000.00 dinars and includes dinner, i.e. buffet throughout the evening and unlimited domestic drinks. 

You can get all the information through the website restaurants or by calling 021/123456

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  • Trg

On our famous and beautiful square, you will be ushered into the New Year by none other than Darko Rundek! For all fans of the famous singer-songwriter, this will be a real refresher because Rundek has not performed live for years. The concert starts at 9 p.m. and lasts until 1 a.m. 

Entrance is free.

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  • At home

As they say, home is always the most beautiful! If you still haven't figured out where to spend New Year's Eve or you don't even feel like going anywhere, invite a couple of friends and make a joint dinner (or order a pizza) and enjoy your warm home. 


All in all, Happy New Year!

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Which one is your choice?

Sokach, to the square or at home?

 Were we able to help you? 

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This article was published on our portal as part of the course "My Career from Zero to Hero (02Hero)", one of the organizers of which is iDEAlab. The data in the article do not represent real products or services, but are exclusively an imaginary project of the participants for the purposes of the course.
