What is the digital revolution?


"Fast - that's slowly, but without interruption" - is an old Japanese proverb that is relevant to our topic today in many ways.

With this proverb, we must first of all understand that the digital revolution is not something what is happening in the 21st century. More precisely, it is not something that happens only in the 21st century.

To understand the digital revolution and its impact on global social and economic relations, we need to turn on our time machine and go back to far away eighties of the last century. What was happening then?

There was a lot going on. Ronald Reagan was elected president of the United States. The first episode of The Simpsons aired. The nuclear reactor in Chernobyl exploded, and at the end of the decade the Berlin Wall came down. All these events changed the social reality along the xiy axis. However, a seemingly bizarre thing happened. 

In the selection of the person of the year, in the magazine With that, in 1982, the first place is taken by the computer. Yes, Person of the Year is literally a computer.

Untitled design

The news echoed in the world media, while only a few understood the importance of this metaphor. No, this did not happen by accident and is not a mistake. The computer was chosen as person of the year for a reason, and that reason is what he will change reality as we know it in a way that has never been changed in such a short time frame.

The computer alone will not change that reality. What will change is the technology behind the computer as a product of this previously unimaginable, futuristic fairy tale.

But some fairy tales are based on real motives, right?

The digital revolution is a process digitization. The computer may have been the person of the year, but it would be a mistake to focus all the attention on the emergence of the computer. They were the most complex elements of this process, but they were by no means the only ones.

In the following decades, we saw a transition:

  • Music from gramophone records in CD and mp3 formats
  • VHS tape to DVD
  • Analog broadcasting to digital broadcasting
  • Public payphones in mobile phones
  • Printed books into e-books
  • Typewriters into printers
  • I write to e-mail
  • Analog photos to digital photos

Some of these transitions were relevant to both the professional and personal spheres of life. But all these transitions were a great generator of change in professional life on a global level. 

It is less important whether we are talking about small businesses, medium-sized companies or large corporate structures - what is more important is the fact that these changes transform your business from the ground up.

And today, when we turn off the time machine and look at the digitization processes that are taking place over 40 years, we can ask ourselves the following question:

What actually happened here?!

It is necessary to approach the understanding of this complex problem from several angles. It is not enough to understand the engineering technology behind the very processes of invention and innovation. It is not enough to understand changes in economic flows. It is not enough to understand any single feature of digitization. Our task is to them we understand as a whole.

And to understand the process of digitization means to understand the process of globalization. To understand globalization is to understand society. To understand society means to understand man.

When we look at this adventure of time travel and a brief overview of the history of digitization through the prism of your business, do things seem simpler or more complicated than ever before?

In both cases, the conclusion is the same: the process of digitizing your business is a complex problem, and solving it is a necessary step towards positioning your brand in an oversaturated and highly competitive market.

You are required to be expert in running your business and have a range of skills in your professional niche, and in addition, to effectively position your business in the digital world.

This two-sided pressure can often be a demotivating force for entrepreneurs, so the vast majority of them decide to leave this second part to specialized experts in the field of digital business.

The alternative is to educate yourself and apply the acquired knowledge about digital business in your business, if you have the time to do so.

Yellowsens Creative Studio consists of a group of young entrepreneurs who represent holistic strategic approach. 

By combining knowledge in the field of digital skills and a deep understanding of human psychology, habits and behavior both individually and in organized groups, they strive to offer your business a well-rounded plan of progress that will integrate the realistic goals of your business into the boundless digital world that never stops growing.


This article was published on our portal as part of the course "My Career from Zero to Hero (02Hero)", one of the organizers of which is iDEAlab. The data in the article do not represent real products or services, but are exclusively an imaginary project of the participants for the purposes of the course.
